Friday, January 16, 2009

Time to declutter!!

What a busy week. I am adjusting to new things this week. All this blog stuff is still new to me and now with the reviews and giveaways added, I am up even later then I normally am. I have been so tired this week. Amara usually comes into my bedroom between 2-4am every night and just stares at me until I say something. I have stopped saying anything and then she just goes back to bed. Last night she never got up, but good thing Miles decided to wake up at 11:30pm until 1:30am and then wake up at 7:30am! Thanks buddy! He just wanted to cuddle and then practice his ABC's--who could be mad at that!?!?
I am also adjusting to running a little bit more and in these frigid temperatures too. Brrrrr! It's fun though. If you want to read more about my running click
Matt and I decided to take a few hours this weekend and DEEP CLEAN one to two rooms in our house. I am kind of scared to tackle this project. We need to finally do it though. I am trying to win some cool books about how to start this task..I wonder if I should wait to see if I win before we start to clean?? Probably not. If you want to try to win these books to help declutter your space check out this site- The Dirty Shirt- The book series is called 1-2-3 Get Organized and it sounds like a really thing!
Tonight, Amara had PB and J for dinner and a side salad! She asked if she could have it for breakfast too. Not this time. I was not in the mood to make anything but sandwiches. She had the choice between PB and J and tuna. Tomorrow she gets organic mac and cheese for dinner. I learned that just because it is organic does not mean it will not do a number on her tummy! It will, which is why she only gets it a few times a year and tomorrow is one of them! She thinks it's worth every bite and trip to the bathroom!

*Thanks for all of your support with my blog review and giveaway! This giveaway ends on Monday at midnight!

1 comment:

KB and Friends said...

I think I need to schedule a decluttering event of my own!