Sunday, April 12, 2009

Nice weather

This weekend was a really good one. The weather was nice and there was some yard work done.
My in-laws come for the day and helped us cut down a tree in our backyard.
I was able to talk to my mother in law about starting the organic garden. She was a big big help as she already has a really nice garden of her own. She gave me some tips as a new gardener and I just want to get started already. The garden is less of a mess since my father in law used his chain saw to cut down the big weeds, trees and other things that have taken over my garden area. Now all we need to do is get in there and clean it all out. The weather has been fairly nice for a few days in a row, so I hope we can get out before it goes from 50 degrees one day to 85 the next; it has happened before-trust me.
I also talked to my father in law about a compost pile. He is all for it and if I bring it up again, I might be able to get him to build me one! He's very handy and unfortunately my hubby did not inherit that gene!
So far I plan on planting tomatoes, broccoli, squash, pumpkin and peppers in the garden.
Amara is all ready too!

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