Monday, May 24, 2010

The "Dirty" Dozen

More and more studies are showing how important it is to eat organic. We are not the wealthiest family around, but we make nutrition a top priority on our "spending" needs. With all the processed foods and high fructose corn syrup everywhere you turn it can be difficult and/or time consuming to eat healthy. Actually, that's just another excuse a lot of us like to use ( I use it too.) My family eats processed and boxed foods. Mostly snack crackers and flavored rices- I think anything not from the ground or in a tree is considered processed. We try to make the best choices though. Organic and/or all natural crackers/snacks/cookies (kid stuff). Whole gain couscous and wild rices; more times than not the rices/grains we purchase are organic as well. This is not for everyone, so don't think I am telling you to go out and do what I do!
I always get so confused on what produce is OK and which is not (organically speaking). I finally decided to print out 2 copies of the Dirty Dozen and put one on the fridge and one in my purse!

Whether you are on a budget and need to prioritize your organic purchases, or you would simply like to know which type of produce has the highest pesticide residues-and which do not-the following guide from the Environment Working Group will help:

12 MOST Contaminated:
  1. peaches

  2. apples

  3. sweet bell peppers

  4. celery

  5. nectarines

  6. strawberries

  7. cherries

  8. pears

  9. grapes(imported)

  10. spinach

  11. lettuce

  12. potatoes

12 LEAST Contaminated:

  1. onions

  2. avocado

  3. sweet corn (frozen)

  4. pineapples

  5. mango

  6. asparagus

  7. sweet peas (frozen)

  8. kiwi fruit

  9. bananas

  10. cabbage

  11. broccoli

  12. papaya

So there you have it. "The List"

Questions for you:

Do you buy organic? If yes, what items? If no, why not?


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