Tuesday, December 23, 2008

2 more sleeps!

Well, we have finally finished Christmas shopping. Nothing like procastinating and then complaining under your breath that the stores don't have what you are looking for! We were able to wrap everything last night as well. The kids will get their gifts tomorrow and then head to Matt's parents house either tomorrow afternoon or Christmas morning-it depends on the weather.

I was able to get my long run in this weekend. I was looking forward to getting the 5 miles in outdoors on Saturday morning, but Amara had a quick flu bug Friday night ( actually Saturday morning at 12 midnight is when she got sick). Needless to say I was up all night with her and did not even think about attempting to run on Saturday. She is probably 100% better already. So glad it was over with quickly.

Nutrtion has been fairly good. Not perfect by any stretch of the imagination! I am hoping to just maintain until the new year rolls around. It will be much easier to comply when Matt is 100% again. I like cookies anyway!

I am thinking of starting a new blog based solely on my training for the 25k and other athletic escapades. I am still keeping this one, but feel I am not staying true to the title! We'll see though. So that 's what is going on with me! I hope to update before the new year, but if not

Happy Holidays and be safe!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The children are gorgeous! Truly beautiful and look like they are enjoying being reindeer.