Monday, December 29, 2008


It's almost that time of year again! When everyone starts making those New Year's Resolutions!
I love that people want to make fitness a part of their lives in the new year, but I get annoyed when they hog the gym! It's selfish maybe, but I cherish my early morning gym time with the "regulars" that have been getting up early with me to get in an early sweat session. I never have to worry about getting an elliptical, treadmill or have the weight area clogged up with people. Come Jan. 2nd I will. Boooo!!
Ok, I am over it. Unfortunately ( or fortunately-however you want to look at it), most of the newbies will be a thing of the past by the end of Jan. or Feb. at best. In a way it is kind of sad and I wonder where they all go. I only hope that they just could not hack the early mornings and start going to the gym later in the day.
I have not made any resolutions for myself and probably won't. I just like to make goals for myself throughout the year. They might change and some might not happen, and that's ok. As long as I put forth a good effort-all is good!
I would like to continue to raise a healthy and happy family in 2009.
I have a few possible tricks up my sleeve for this blog and another blog as well. I am still working out the details, but don't want to talk about too much--it might jinx it!
Happy New Year.
Make the most of 2009..I know I am.

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