Tuesday, September 8, 2009

News You Can Use....3 Superfoods you probably already eat-or should be!

BROCCOLI- we all know that it's great for us. It's a yummy veggie that fights cancer. Well it also safeguards our lungs! A recent study found that people who consumed more sulforaphane, an antioxidant in the vegetable, doubled the amount of protective enzymes in their airways. More reasons to load up on this powerhouse!

GINGER- I know that this root is good for pregnant people that suffer from nausea, but I did not know that it protects against ovarian cancer. University of Michigan researchers found that ginger maybe cause cancerous cells to die. Another reason to add this flavorful ,spicy root to your dishes.

CARROTS- I think everyone knows these are great for eyesight, but did you know carrots could slash your odds of developing colon cancer?Carrots, which are high in falcarinol, lowers your risk of tumors. Bugs Bunny is on to something!

*Thanks to Shape Magazine*

1 comment:

Fionen said...

Wow, that's good to know. I get enough carrots but not enough broccoli or ginger. I'll have to start cooking with ginger but I'm not gonna touch the broccoli. lol