Friday, September 3, 2010

30 Days of Self Love--Gifts of the Body ( Day 2)

Over at Tina’s blog of Faith Fitness Fun, she talked about Gifts of the Body. Thinking about your body as something special that helps support you through your life no matter what. That it is important to treat ourselves and more importantly our bodies like we would treat our friends. With unconditional love and unconditional support.

1. You only have 1 body so treat it right! One of my gifts is just being in good health. That is due to how I treat my body. I take care of it by nourishing it with the things that make it thrive. The food I eat, drink, and exercise.

2. I am thankful for my ears. I am able to listen to my kids laugh and sing and tell stories (thanks Tina!) everyday. One thing both of my kids LOVE to do is sing-it's just a normal thing in our house and in our car.

3. I am thankful for my legs. They may not be the thinnest and never will be. I am glad they are strong and are able to do everyday things such as walk. And not so everyday things such as teaching 2 Spin classes, a sculpting class and then go for a run! Thanks legs!

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