Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Resolutions.............what are yours?

As always, I am fashionably late to the party this year! I still have not made any resolutions to speak of. I usually don't, but I at least usually have a goal or 5 I would like to accomplish by year's end. They are normally always sports related- ie: race times, mile times, distance etc.

I think I will keep those to myself and then just share what my goal is at the time nears.

Soooooo, there are a lot of things I would like to do this year, but I am not sure I would consider them a resolution. I want to be more organized. I want to give the house the best cleaning ever and then maintain it (ha!). I want to get both kids started on a foreign language. I want , I want I want!!! As you can see I am all over the place as usual. I will narrow things down at some point. It might not even be this month, but it will happen.

I am curious as to what YOUR resolutions/goals are this time around. Are they realistic? Did you come up with a game plan to make them happen and have you fallen off the bumpy resolution wagon yet?? Please share!

Thanks and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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