Thursday, October 2, 2008

Just roll with it......

Well, it was a sad day yesterday. I had to miss my Zumba class. It was the right decision. Kids were driving me bonkers and it would have been very cruel of me to leave them in somebody else's care while I was shakin' my money maker.
I think I have not missed a class in 5 straight weeks. I am almost an expert. It's almost time for me to move from the middle to the front row! Well, not yet. I guess this gives me something to look forward to for next Wednesday! Things happen, especially with 2 small children ( plus 1 grown one), and I just have to adapt. I don't like missing my workouts, but it's not the end of the world either.
I also became a hunter's widow yesterday. Bo hunting season started, so that makes my time for myself even less. It's OK though, Matt will get his time taken away again when I start training for my races next year!! We are good that way I think.
It has been a crazy week here so that is probably why the kids were acting like lunatics. We got home late Sunday (9pm), and have not really gotten our acts together. I got to the grocery store at about 10pm and bought the essentials in about 20 minutes-so we have been pretty much scrapping meals together all week ( read post: Fail to plan, plan to fail). I think we have done a good job though, no major catastrophes have occurred. Just minor ones! Tilapia Wednesday was moved to Thursday. Spaghetti Friday was moved to Wednesday. I also added Red Licorice Wednesday in this week--just for me though. All the rest of you can get your own.
Besides missing my beloved Zumba this week, workouts have been great. I plan on going to Spinning on Friday and maybe even running more than 5 miles on Saturday. We'll see what happens though.
I am proud of myself for not throwing in the towel this week regarding eats and workouts just because things didn't go as planned. Just roll with it........

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